
why thank you

It seems we've got some new readers around here lately thanks to a couple sweet girls who've mentioned olive & a, so a big welcome to you if you've found us recently!

The lovely Barb over at The Mom Blog kindly awarded me the versatile blogger award. One of the responsibilities of accepting the award is to share 7 things about myself….so here goes!

7 things that you might not know about me:

1. I played the violin from 4th to 7th grade. I didn't enjoy it and never practiced. When I told my parents I wanted to quit they said I'd regret it. I haven't. Is that sad?

2. I am left handed.

3. I am currently working on getting my bachelors in family life studies and am tttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiissssssssss close to graduating. When I finish, I'd like to study interior design.

4. I LOVE to read but haven't picked up a "fun" book for about 2 1/2 years. The last book(s) I read was the Twilight series. Not a good note to end on. I'll soon be done with my textbooks and back to the fun books.

5. When I was little I won a Crayola Crayon color naming contest. The winning crayon name? Bedazzled Blue.

6. I am the wife of a medical student.

7. If I could eat one thing, and only one thing it would be potatoes (hashbrowns, french fries, mashed potatoes...you get the idea).


jillian :: cornflake dreams. said...

yah! congrats on the award girl :) these are all fun little facts...and bedazzled blue is a GREAT crayon name. oxox jcd

alli/hooray said...

These are always fun to read. I am with you on the last one...that and bread! :)

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