I really just want to thank you sweet readers for reading. It's been two and a half years since I started olive & a and I've loved getting to know my readers over that time. I truly appreciate the comments you leave and your nice emails, they all make my day.
If you still want to keep in contact you can always email me, find me pinning away over on pinterest (email me if you want an invite to pinterest), and on facebook as I may post links to things I am loving, sort of like the mashups I do.
I wish you all the best and thanks for reading olive & a!
Oh noes! I understand. It's like therapy...sometimes there just isn't anything left to say. Take care dear!
We'll always have Pinterest ;)
Aw no!! I'm so sad to see you go. :( but I understand. Family first. :)
Aww and I was just "getting to know you" but family is so much more important! Enjoy.
Aww I will miss your posts Heather but family is SO important. Xo
Heather, you will be missed! But I completely respect you for this decision - family and real life is so much more important. Hope to keep up with you on Pinterest : )
aw heather this makes me sad. but i totally understand! blogging takes a lot of time and its a big commitment. your priorities are right where they should be. best of luck! xo
Well thanks for you for your inspiring ideas Heath, but I completely understand. I did that with my flying tumblr blog. There are just some things that are more important. Good luck!
heather, i've been thinking about doing the exact same thing. toying with it . . . we'll see. i wish you the best! we should do lunch again sometime.
Heather I have to say I will miss your posts. However, you have your priorities straight and family is much more important:) I will follow along on pinterest...my favorite addiction!
Heather, I am so sad to see you go, but family is very important and I am glad that you will be focusing on that! I hope to see you back here one day or at least popping up once in awhile! Your blog posts will most definitely be missed and you will be too! Take care of those babies (that I don't believe you have, haha)! See you around Pinterest & FB! :)))
oh dang it!! best of luck to you and i hope you come back someday! xo
Aw man! I'm trying to be brave and supportive, like everyone else, but I'm going to miss you!! I've enjoyed getting to know you through your blog and think of you as a super-talent out in the world. I'm following you on FB now. Best wishes!
Totally understandable. Family is much more important! I'll miss reading, but will always keep in touch:)
Good luck to you! I tell myself if it's not fun anymore, don't do it. You're totally making the right decision for you & your family.
I'll miss you! But you have to do what's best, so good for you... hope you all are doing well!
Awww you will definitely be missed, but I'm sure your family will be over the moon to spend more quality time with you!
This definitely hits home with me because there have been many times when I wonder if it's worth it and if I need to focus more on my family...I'm proud of you for making this decision to put the most important people in your life first! That is a really hard decision to make...Just know you will be missed her in the blog world, girl!!!
All the best : )
Aw this post made me tear up! I'll definitely definitely miss your posts - your blogs is one of my favorites! And becoming blogging friends with you over the past few months has been so special to me - thank you for always being so sweet and inspiring with your posts! Family is number one - the most important thing in the world - so that sounds like a good decision. I'm sure your family will love the extra time with you :). You will be missed!!! Please do keep in touch Heather!!! XO Star
just stumbled upon this blog and was a little shocked to see the goodbye. still, all the best in all fields of life!
SO sad to hear this!! You have always been such a great blogger (and reader!), and I'm sad to see you go! Maybe make a farewell tour?! You'll be missed!
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