
a study in styling

I suppose my attention was supposed to be focused on the blue accessories in this Target ad but what really caught my eye was the bookcase (and that ladder). While I am sure it was professionally styled, what I really like about it is how effortless it appears. Like accessories and books collected over time that have been read and then shelved wherever there was room for them.

I have a couple bookcases that are in dire need of some styling and I could use some lessons on how to do it effortlessly. Jamie's bookcase of the day could be my 'textbook' in which to study from. I'll have to get on that...maybe when my real school work is over with.

Do tell : Have any tips on how you've got your bookcase to look stylin'?


Sophie said...

i love bookcases like these! they make any room look amazing x

Nikki said...

I saw that add and loved the blue too! Everytime I try to collect books for my someday book shelves my Husband gets upset.

On my floating shelves I use the "Z" rule. You start at the left and work across and then the eye should drift diagonal and then back to the right. I didn't make that up, read it somwhere long ago.

Heather J said...

Nikki, that is a great tip. Thanks for sharing!

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